Heralds the arrival of a true champion.
Item Shop
Heralds the arrival of a true champion.
Eternal Shield high-quality PNG images with transparent background to use them as you wish (YouTube thumbnails, skin concept and so on).
Used in-game to Shop and Locker, credit to Epic Games.
June 2020
The Valkyrie Wing is the name of one of the legendary back bling cosmetic items for the game Fortnite Battle Royale. Valkyrie Wings is...
The Scaly is a back bling for the game Fortnite Battle Royale. Just like all the other back blings, this one does not provide...
The Long Legs is the name of one of the legendary back bling items that are available to the Battle Royale version of the...
A roiling ball of raw energy. Might give you a sunburn.