Break out the mistletoe.
Item Shop
You must complete Day 8 of 14 Days of Fortnite Challenges.
Take The Elf is among the special emotes awarded to players who have taken the 14 Days of Fortnite 2019 Challenge. This emote plays a set of animation that does not affect the gameplay.
Take the Elf is a funny emote animation where the player’s avatar takes out a mistletoe, hangs it with his hand on top of his/her head, and tickles himself/herself in the belly with the other hand while jumping and raising his/her foot alternately. This animation loops indefinitely until the action is stopped by the player.
This wacky emote animation is not a part of any set. However, Take the Elf is one of the rewards given to players in the 14 Das of Fortnite challenges.
Take the Elf uncommon emote animation can only be obtained by completing one of the challenges during the 2019 event called 14 Days of Fortnite Challenges.
Take The Elf high-quality PNG images with transparent background to use them as you wish (YouTube thumbnails, skin concept and so on).
Used in-game to Shop and Locker, credit to Epic Games.
December 2018
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