Welcome to our webpage dedicated to Uncommon Pickaxes in Fortnite! While not as rare as their legendary counterparts, these pickaxes can still add a unique touch to your gameplay. Typically available for purchase in the Cash Shop for 500 V-Bucks.
Just don’t let anyone else get their hands on it, okay?
17.03.2024 | Pickaxes
No CommentsDisarmed from Skynet’s Terminator Model T-1000.
22.01.2024 | Pickaxes
No CommentsClean Cut is an uncommon skin that changes the appearance of the default harvesting tool of...
18.01.2024 | Pickaxes
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C'est trop bien
C'est trop bien
Jefa Elchapo
Please bring Dante skin back and Aquaman , Wolver...
In my opinion he is my fave on Fortnite
In it something is and it is excellent idea. I sup...